
Funding allocated to this category targets infrastructure enhancements such as drainage systems, sewers, hydrants, and broadband networks. Projects within this domain encompass upgrades to lift stations, force mains, enhanced drainage systems, and the installation of fire hydrants in areas lacking access to them. Additionally, the expansion of broadband internet access falls within the scope of this category. The total funding designated for these initiatives amounts to $17,034,936.

Infrastructure Projects

Project Amount Status
Broadband Infrastructure $2,000,000 In Progress
Hydrants - Burnside Island $4,189,353 In Progress
Hydrants - Ogeechee Farms $4,189,353 In Progress
Stormwater - Willow Lakes $694,030 Completed
Drainage - Sapelo Road $300,000 In Progress
Drainage - One Chatham Stormwater Project $1,200,000 In Progress
Drainage - Marshall Branch Canal $300,000 In Progress
Drainage - Isle of Hope $900,000 In Progress
Drainage - Burnside Island $400,000 In Progress
Sewer - Sallie Mood Force Main $1,100,000 In Progress
Sewer - Nancy Place Lift Station $900,000 In Progress
Sewer - Hopecrest Lift Station $262,200 In Progress
Sewer - Gale Brake Lift Station $600,000 In Progress